1974 BS Engineering Physics, University of Illinois
1975 US Naval Nuclear Power School Officer Course
1981 Clinton Power Station BWR-6 Senior Reactor Operator Training Course
1983 MS Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois (Concentration in Reactor Physics)
1989 INPO Senior Plant Management Course
2001 Palo Verde Senior Plant Management Certification Course
1975 US Navy Certification for operation and supervision of naval nuclear power plants
1986 Senior Reactor Operator License, Clinton Power Station
Registered Professional Engineer Licenses, State of Illinois (062-038730) and Arizona (37738)
1982 American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting: Xenon Induced Power Distribution Transients in Boiling Water Reactors, presenting an original axial core model to predict power redistribution as a function of time after power changes and / or control rod motion. This paper presented the original code authored by me and validation results which were based on my MS Thesis work.
License renewal and plant aging management support to Utilities Service Alliance, Inc. members.
* Drafted RAI responses to NRC requests for additional information
* Extensively revised the metal fatigue sections of a license renewal application (LRA) to resolve NRC concerns
* Presented the resolution of LRA open items to the Advisory Committee for Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) license renewal subcommittee
* Prepared license renewal implementation plans for metal fatigue.
* Reconstructed metal fatigue event history for two PWR plants
* Reviewed Time Limited Aging Analyses evaluations and dispositions for compliance with NUREG-1801 “Generic Aging Lessons Learned Report”.
* Refueling outage schedule review and optimization for Talisman International to support the US-APWR design.
* Design Certification Document Review for Talisman International supporting development of the APR1400 design.
* Due Diligence Performance Review for Talisman International evaluating the performance of an operating multi-unit BWR for a prospective buyer.
* License Renewal Program Support for Talisman International supporting revision of Palo Verde aging management programs to meet latest NUREG-1801
ENERCON SERVICES INC. June 2017 through December 2017
Principal License Renewal Engineer providing final technical review of Chapter 4 (Time Limited Aging Analyses) for the Turkey Point subsequent license renewal application (SLRA). This was the final technical review prior to submitting the SLRA to the client. Also provided license renewal implementation support for Palo Verde Generating Station revising the aging management program descriptions for Fatigue Management and Steam Generator Management. I was a part time employee working remotely for ENERCON.
Consulting engineer providing short term contract labor outage support as the on-shift steam generator single point of contact responsible for coordinating vendor inspection and repair activities for the utility client.
ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY January 1989 to January 2009
May 2004 to January 2009 LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LEADER for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station responsible for the operating license renewal effort. This included identification of plant aging management programs to support life extension. Also performed the function of Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing (STARS) plant Aging Management Center of Business representative assisting four other STARS alliance plants in obtaining their license renewals. Served as NEI License Renewal Mechanical Working Group Chairman for one year. As a collateral duty served as a utility representative monitoring the manufacturing of the PVNGS Unit 3 replacement steam generators in the Ansaldo factory, Milan, Italy.
September 1999 to May 2004 ENGINEERING SUPPORT DEPARTMENT LEADER for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station responsible for Steam Generator Management Programs, Nuclear Project Management, Procurement Engineering and Engineering Services (Training, Maintenance Rule, In Service Testing). As a collateral duty this position was also the responsible for ensuring engineering outage activities were properly included in the outage scheduling process.
March 1993 to September 1999 STEAM GENERATOR PROJECTS MANAGER for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station responsible for inspection, repair and management of six ABB-CE System 80 steam generators. Led the multi discipline team that determined the root cause of failure for the SG tube rupture, formulated the corrective action and assembled the technical arguments in support of the legal action against the original SG manufacturer. Also responsible for developing technical and procurement specifications for Replacement Steam Generators (RSGs), evaluating RSG vendors and negotiating commercial terms for RSG’s.
January 1989 to March 1993 ASSISTANT POWER PLANT MANAGER for Unit 1 at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station as principal designee for the plant manager of an ABB-CE System 80 power plant with a staff of 275 technicians.
ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY June 1979 to January 1989
October 1986 to January 1989: DIRECTOR OF PLANT OPERATIONS at Clinton Power Station, a 1000 MWE boiling water reactor power plant during initial fuel load and criticality, startup testing and operation. Supervised 100 employees assigned to the Operations and Operations Support Departments. Additional duties included acting as power plant manager in his absence and chairmanship of the Facility Review Group. Also responsible for the Chemistry and Radioactive Waste Departments.
October 1985 to October 1986: DIRECTOR OF NUCLEAR TRAINING at Clinton Power Station. Supervised the activities of the corporate department tasked with training the 1100 employees who operated and maintained the nuclear power plant. Collateral duties included membership on the Nuclear Review and Audit Group, a corporate nuclear safety committee that reviewed activities at the plant.
January 1983 to October 1985: SUPERVISOR-TECHNICAL at Clinton Power Station. Responsible for a department comprised of the Nuclear Engineering Group, Computer Maintenance Group, and Systems Engineering Group. Duties also included acting as power plant manager in his absence, Chairman of the design group for the Emergency Operations Facility, and membership on the project Design Change Control Committee that approved modifications for the four billion-dollar project. Obtained a Senior Reactor Operator License while in this position.
October 1980 to January 1983: SUPERVISOR-TRAINING at Clinton Power Station. Responsible for the staff of instructors who conducted training for the licensed operators that staffed the plant. While in this position acted as the project manager for the procurement of a seven million-dollar control room simulator and conducted college level physics courses as a part time faculty member for Richland Community College in Decatur, IL.
June 1979 to October 1980: RESULTS ENGINEER at Clinton Power Station. Assigned to the Startup Test Group developing scope packages for system turnovers from the constructor, maintained the computerized project test schedule network of 2500 items using PREMIS software, and drafted system test procedures.
US NAVY SUBMARINE FORCE May 1974 to June 1979
NUCLEAR SUBMARINE OFFICER. Duties included Electrical Officer, Reactor Controls Officer, and Main Propulsion Assistant. Resigned from active duty as a Lieutenant at the end of obligated service and continued in the Naval Reserve to retire as a Commander in 1995.
Non – Nuclear Technical Training: Submarine Officer Basic Course, Boeing 737 Type Training, Citation Jet Type Training
Non – Nuclear Licenses: Airline Transport Pilot (Boeing 737 and Citation Jet Type Rated), FAALicensed Flight Instructor
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